Sunday, April 13, 2014


Friday night was a great night! I got to see a dear friend from Brazil. We talked, laughed, and had a delicious food at the Gourmandise Bakery & Cafe

Have you tried their grilled cheese sandwich? The best one I've had so far. I got back home a little before 1am. It's been awhile since I had that much fun on a girls night out! Thank you Suzana and Rebecca! I had a blast!

Yesterday we spent a couple of hours in the park with our little one. I'm so glad the weather is getting warmer and nicer. I love being outdoors! I also took the time to exercise and meditate. 

Later on we had a baptism of a wonderful family - a father, a mother and their 2 beautiful daughters. It was really special and I'm sure heavens are celebrating for their decision to get baptized and confirmed members of The Church o Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

I'm incredibly blessed for also being a member of the church and having the knowledge I have, for having a dear Heavenly Father who loves me and is always ready to wipe away all my tears! He sees me and answers my prayers.

I know sometimes we may have doubts in our hearts. Today I thought about myself, about being far from my family, from my motherland. I thought about the decisions I have made, decisions I still have to make, the trials and difficulties I've been through, and all the blessings I have received from my Heavenly Father's hands. I cried. And I asked Him in my heart if I am heading to the right direction. He talked to me once more through Helaman, chapter 12.

“And thus we can behold how false, and also the unsteadiness of the hearts of the children of men: yea, we can see that the Lord in His great infinite goodness doth bless and prosper those who put their trust in Him”.

Our Heavenly Father is ready to give us anything we need for our well being here on earth, and on His infinite goodness He will bless us if we only be constant, trust in Him and in His promises.

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