Monday, September 1, 2014

Labor Day

This year we stayed away from Labor day festivities and hung out around the house. I cooked a delicious spinach and ricotta stuffed shells for lunch, and in the afternoon Giovanna and I baked chocolate chips banana bread. Later on our family sat down to have FHE.

I made some stick puppets to act it out on our Family Home Evenings. Every other week The Friend magazine comes with figures from Old Testament stories on its back cover. You can cut them out and attach them to sticks. I think it's fun and illustrative for the kiddos.

We learned about Heavenly Father's great love for His people through Moses story. Giovanna helped retelling the story (most of it from what she remembers from the Prince of Egypt movie) while showing the stick figures. We sang songs, and said prayers.

I hope you had a wonderful Labor Day too.

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