Friday, October 31, 2014

Halloween 2014

I am finally posting about our Halloween.

On the 29th Giovanna had a Halloween party at school. The kids wore their costumes, sang songs, and recited poems to their parents. Then everybody posed for pictures.

Giovanna wanted to be Queen Elsa from Frozen this year. During trick or treating I counted at least seven other Elsas. That didn't bother Giovanna at all. On the contrary, every time she saw a "twin sister" she would get even more excited and shout: "Look mom! Another Elsa!"

After trick or treating we had dinner at Texas de Brazil.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Giovanna's 4th Birthday

Our beautiful Giovanna is FOUR! I can’t believe how fast she’s been growing.

Last Saturday we celebrated Giovi’s birthday with a big party, just like we’ve doing every year. It was so nice to be around friends, but we definitely missed our family in Brazil. 

The theme this year was Disney Princesses Halloween. I basically used Giovi’s princesses toys and dolls, and pictures from our last trip to Disneyland as decorations. All I had to do was to add a hint of Halloween spirit to the party.

Everybody wore costumes just like on her first birthday. It was so much fun! Our little girl had a blast. 

Thank you all for coming and making Giovi’s birthday so special. We love you all.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Happy Birthday Giovanna!

Today this little girl of ours turns FOUR. She is our sunshine who brings so much joy into our lives!

Giovi, you are our example of love, care, generosity, and enthusiasm. We love you very much!

Soon I will be posting pictures of her birthday party last Saturday.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Surprise from Brazil

Today I cleaned the house. It was a lot of work but it felt so nice after I was done! Giovanna helped me by putting her toys away and entertaining herself while I was finishing things up. 

Later on daddy took us to Buffalo Wild Wings. I loved the idea since I had no energy left to cook dinner. On our way out we checked the mail and look at what arrived!

A birthday card and a letter from titia and vovó! Giovanna was so happy and excited she made me read them at least three times each!

Obrigada titios, vovó e priminhos! Eu amo muito vocês!

Monday, October 27, 2014

Cupcakes and happy birthday!

Today Giovanna took to preschool delicious cupcakes Mindy made to celebrate her birthday with her classmates (thank you Mindy!). 

When we picked up Giovi and asked how her day was, she shouted: 'It was A-MA-ZING! She said all the kids sang happy birthday to her, and enjoyed the cupcakes. Her teacher gave her a birthday hat and a bag of goodies.

Birthdays are so fun! They remind us how special we are.
After school we all went to Chick-fil-A to have lunch, and came back home as happy as we can be!

Friday, October 24, 2014

Birthday prep- Part II

Ale and I have been working all day today for Giovanna's birthday party tomorrow. We woke up early and while Ale went out to buy some last minute stuff I needed, I started baking Giovi's cake. I like baking her birthday cakes myself.

Two o'clock sharp we were at the club house to decorate it. We stayed there until 6pm. Then we came back home and I started frosting the cake. I have no idea what I did wrong, but the filling started melting everywhere, AND the top of the cake broke in half!.

At that point it was already late and I was exhausted. I sat down with no clue of what to do. Then I looked around the kitchen and Ale was doing the dishes at 10:30pm. He has helped me all day running around, carrying boxes, driving to stores, cleaning, and making me laugh (he knows I get super stressed out with birthday parties). I love him very much, but in days like this I love him even more!

Lots of things have been done already. All the rest can be figured out tomorrow.

Good night!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Pool Day

Today we took Giovanna to the pool. I've been spending a lot of time planning her birthday party and I almost don't have time to play or take her somewhere fun. She got all excited when we told her we would be going to piscina. She loves water! And she got dressed all by herself. Cute girl!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Mickey's Safari

Enjoy this free Mickey Mouse Safari party pack. You're welcome!

More free party packs here.