Friday, December 12, 2014

Gingerbread house

We have been planning to see the Temple lights, but workers are still fixing the ceiling in the bathroom that started leaking a few days ago. Because of that Giovanna's been missing her naps which means early bedtime for her. 

Giovi is great, but if she is tired there’s no way we can go out and have a good time. So we have been around the house these past few days, we’ve done some Christmas shopping, and gone to a couple of playdates.

Today, Giovanna decorated a gingerbread house with Everett and Aiden. They played pirates and all boy stuff Giovanna loves. It is so much fun seeing her play something different then princesses.

Decorating gingerbread house is one of our favorite Christmas activities. Our family decorates one every Christmas eve. It's our little tradition. We don't usually eat the gingerbread house though. Instead we display it on our home for weeks, we take a bunch of pictures, then we throw it away.

Tomorrow we are driving to Pleasant Grove to have a Christmas dinner with some friends. Don't you just love this time of the year?

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