Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Story of our Life - Part II

Story of our life - Part I

Ale came to Utah in 2006 to start school while I stayed in Brazil getting ready to start my Au Pair program. During this time our long-distance relationship wasn't working very well, so one day when we broke up Ale decided to come back to Brazil.

Ale's family didn't like the news, and they were pretty upset because he took the semester off to travel back to Brazil. My family wasn't happy either.

It was a difficult time, specially having everyone giving us unsolicited advises about our relationship. I really could use some time away from everybody to organize my thoughts and feelings. So I kept my Au Pair program plans, and in 2007 I flew to Massachusetts to live with an American family for a whole year.

Ale served his mission in MA in 2003.

After I was living there for a couple of months, Ale decided to fly to MA to see me. It was our chance for a fresh start. During his time there he helped me with the language, took me to places, and introduced me to people he knew from his mission.

After a year we started talking about marriage. We planned a trip to Utah, where we would move to after the wedding so he could finish school.

I met his brothers, and the beautiful Salt Lake City. I thought winter in Utah was definitely better than in Massachusetts.

When we were back to MA we called our families and told them about our decision to go back to Brazil, get married, and move back to the United States.

Our story will continue on the next posts. :)