Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Ophthalmologist Visit

A couple of months ago we noticed a little bump on her right eyelid. We talked to her pediatrician and she said it might be stye and eventually it would go away. We just needed to apply warm cloth for about two weeks, which we did but unfortunately it didn't go away.

So, yesterday we took Giovi to see an ophthalmologist. It turns out she has stye. The doctor prescribed an eye drop, and we are hoping it will help, otherwise the bump will need to be removed.

Also, the doctor showed us Giovanna's left eye is crossing every time she looks far up. She said it isn't reason for concern. We talked about surgery to fix it but she highly not recommend it since it may compromise her central vision that is perfect. But she wants to watch it closely every six months.

I can't believe how many times we had to take Giovi to the doctor this year! Actually, this year has been really hard on our family with lots of trials, challenges, and sicknesses. But Heavenly Father has given me incredible strength to pass through these storms, specially now I am pregnant and so emotional about everything.

I'm trying to focus on what Heavenly Father wants me to learn from all this and I hope not to disappoint Him. I'm trying to be happy despite all these challenging moments. And I know I can. For myself, my family and for this little one who's on her way.