Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Mountview Splash Pad

Heat is definitely not a pregnant woman's best friend - specially on her third trimester! So I'm trying to stay indoors, as cool and as comfortable as possible. But sometimes I get bored and I need to go out to see faces and the light of the sun.

 With that being said, a few weeks ago I took Giovanna and headed to the splash pad at the Mountview Park. It was at least 99° F! I got back home dying, but it was fun after all. Giovanna had a blast while I stayed in the shade watching her.

Sometimes she would bring a bucket filled of fresh, cool water and pour into my feet.

  The park is located at 1651 E. Fort Union Blvd.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Maternity Photo Shoot

I am so excited to share with you our maternity photo shoot! Our dear friend Angelica took all these adorable pictures. They were taken at Memory Grove Park in downtown Salt Lake.

Friday, June 26, 2015

31 Weeks

This baby of mine is getting bigger and bigger. I can feel her rolling, kicking and probably having lots of fun inside the womb.

Heading towards the end of a pregnancy is both exciting and exhausting specially in summertime! Extra weight, shortness of breath, heartburn and constant urination during the final months make any pregnant woman uncomfortable. But each day that passes by takes us closer to the moment we will finally see our little baby girl's pretty face. How exciting!

This is a picture of our baby at 31 weeks

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Graduation Day

A few days ago my big girl graduated from preschool. I'm so proud of her. It's incredible how she grew and developed since she started it! When I see her pictures from the beginning of school year I can't believe how big she looks now. Time really flies.

On her graduation day she performed a beautiful play with songs and books. 

 At the end Giovanna's teacher gave all parents a CD with pictures of the kids during the year which we watched as soon as we got home. It was really cute!

After gradutation we took Giovi to her favorite restaurant to celebrate.

 Congrats beautiful girl! This is just the beginning of a whole life of achievements and success!

We love you!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Happy Birthday Sis!

Today is my sister's birthday. I'm so lucky to have the nicest, happiest, smartest, funniest and most supportive sister as my best friend. I can't even tell how much I love her! 

She helped to take care of me while our mom was working - she cooked, walked me to school, prepared my lunch, and even put me to time out. She is my best friend, and each day away from her breaks my heart. I miss her so much!

I just want to wish my big sis a beautiful day, full of surprises and a lot of love, hugs and kisses! I love everything about you!

Happy Birthday!

Monday, June 22, 2015

Father's Day

This year we celebrated Father's Day with a hand crafty gift to our big daddy! We made a salt dough handprint. Giovanna and I had a lot of fun doing it and daddy simply loved it!

It would've been easier picking a gift from the store, but I really want to teach my kids to spend time working on something special for their loved ones, and think about them during the process.

{Notice is missing a s on Father's Day which I fixed later}

Now we are planning on doing a footprint one when our baby is born.

If you like it and want to try, the recipe is super simple! Here is how we did it:


1 cup flour
1 cup salt
1/2 cup water 

Mix all ingredients in a bowl. You can judge if you think you need a little more water. It should be a similar consistency to play dough. Shape it into whatever you want, get your kid's foot/handprint into the dough, and with a knife write your message. Bake it at about 200F (100C) for 3 hours.

(The bottom of ours was still a little moist so we turned it upside down and bake it for another hour).