Monday, March 28, 2016

Easter 2016

Although we were not at our home this year, we managed to have a fun Easter. Giovanna helped me to decorate the table, and I worked on our traditional Easter baskets. This time here at the Halls is been difficult for us, but I am trying my best to keep our traditions and to make Bianca's first celebrations really special. It is her first Easter!

Last Saturday the Brito family drove all the way from Bountiful to spend Easter with us. We planned an Easter egg hunt for the kids. They had a really good time!

We ate a delicious Easter cake I baked and we opened the traditional Easter baskets I make every year for the girls. This year a made a little one for my little baby Bianca.

Bianca's first Easter:

Giovi and her Ovo de Pascoa

Happy Easter!

Friday, March 25, 2016

Piercing Bianca's ears

Today we took Bianca to have her ears pierced. We recorded her exactly how we did with Giovanna when she was four months old. I was so sad when I found out I hadn't hit the recording button on Giovanna’s turn, that this time I triple checked before they pierced Bianca's ear.

She cried a lot when the lady pierced her ears, but soon she was happy again. She looks so cute with her new earrings! Her grandma is bringing new earrings from Brazil as a gift.

Monday, March 21, 2016

St Patrick's Day

 This weekend we left Alpine early in the morning and headed to downtown Salt Lake to watch the St. Patrick's parade. Every year we try to attend it. It is always so much fun!

This year our little Bianca joined us for the first time. She was very attentive to the colors, music and the crown. She smiled the whole time! I'm sure will be one of her favorite celebrations.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Bianca is 7 months old

 Seven months of pure joy and cuteness! Bianca loves mom, dad and big sister, but when an unfamiliar face approaches her she starts crying. It's been like that since she was four months old. She is very serious around other people, but she is the happiest baby at home. She chews on everything and we have to be really careful with small objects near her.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Provo City Temple Open House

Last weekend our family attended the Provo City Temple open house. It was a very special moment for all those who had the chance to visit it. After a tragic fire in 2010 that burned down the historic Provo Tabernacle, President Monson announced the remaining walls and the shell of the building should be used to build the new Provo City temple. 

The Provo City Temple is a beautiful sacred place, and I am excited to go back there soon.

Friday, March 11, 2016

International Women's Day

Today Ale gifted me with beautiful yellow flowers. I love being a woman, I love flowers and I love that Ale always gives me them.

"There is nothing in the world as personal, as nurturing, or as life changing, as the influence of a righteous woman".

-M. Russell Ballard

Happy International Women's Day!