Monday, July 10, 2017

New hairstyle

For a long time now I've been saying I need a haircut, so this weekend I decided to get it done. When I lived in Salt Lake I had this professional who used to take care of my hair, but since I moved to Utah county I couldn't find anyone I like. It sounds silly, but it is harder than you think to find someone who really knows how to cut a curly hair. Because of that I decided to give a try and cut it myself.

I was scared because I had never cut my hair myself. But you know, they grow back after all. First thing I did was to check some video tutorials to not screw up so bad. I also took pictures of the whole process.

 First I cut it just a little with my hair dried to test. When I realized I wasn't so bad with the scissors, I did it with my hair wet. I brushed it into a ponytail at the top of my head, then I cut it!

To actually see some results we have to cut a good amount of hair, otherwise it won't show any difference. For my bangs I tried to part my hair into a triangle.

 I really like the final result!

If you want to try it too just make sure you have the proper scissors to cut your hair. I saw some girls cutting their hair with kitchen scissors and it was really scary!

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