Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Temple, House of the Lord

Last Saturday Ale stayed home with the girls so I could go to the temple. I think it is really cute how he promptly offers to watch them so I can go. 

Temples are the house of the Lord. It is a place we find peace and comfort. I had a really good and emotional experience there that day. I went through session in behalf of one of Ale's ancestors . He still loves genealogy, and he is on his 7th generation. It is amazing! Way to go babe!

Then the next day on Sunday we taught the youth about how to prepared themselves to enter this holy place. I love the youth! They are wonderful and spiritual. I also love being part of this great plan Heavenly Father has prepared for us.

Click Here if you'd like to learn more about the LDS Temples. 

"Everything that occurs in the temple is uplifting and ennobling. It speaks of life here and life beyond the grave. It speaks of the importance of the individual as a child of God. It speaks of the importance of the family and the eternity of the marriage relationship". 

Gordon B. Hincley

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