Monday, August 21, 2017

Bianca's two-year checkup

I can't believe Giovanna starts school tomorrow already! Every thing is all set for her first day - new clothes, new lunch box, backpack, material. I'm excited for her. She is a 1st grader after all. 

Today we took Bianca for her two year checkup. She is developing beautifully. Her growth chart looks great! She is weighting 13.6 kilos, and she is 84 cm tall.

She was a brave little girl through the whole check up. She only cried and protested when we dressed her into "doctor's pretty gown".

She didn't think was pretty at all.

 Since we were in Murray, after doctor's appointment we stretched our trip to the Natural History Museum of Utah. I love taking the kids there. They have a new exhibit: Vikings- Beyond the Legend which is really good!

Today we also had the solar eclipse. It started around 11:30 am, right when we were at the doctor's office for Bianca's appointment. Dr. Viera landed us a glass so we could see the eclipse through the office's window. It was pretty cool. I even took a (not so great) picture from my phone.

Although the picture is pitch-black it was daylight, and you can see a piece of the moon entering the sun. 

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