Friday, August 18, 2017

Museum of Ancient Life

Last Wednesday the girls and I along with two other friends and their kids headed to the Museum of Ancient Life at Thanksgiving Point. This is usually the time of the year when I take them to see the animals at the Farm Country and to the the Ashton Gardens to see the flowers. We still need to visit the Museum of Curiosity, but I know that place is always packed, and I don't like being with both girls in crowded places.

Towards the end Giovanna was already tired and grumpy and being kinda mean with her friends.
I told her we would be going back home if she kept her bad attitude, so she got really upset, then I got really upset, and things got really ugly with lots of crying and screaming in the middle of the museum.

Giovanna is the sweetest girl I have ever known, and she NEVER did something like that before, not even when she was two years old. I didn't understand what happened, then we left the museum and I cried all the way back home. I cried because I had already had a rough morning, then because I didn't handle the museum situation like I would have if I wasn't so tired, so frustrated, so done, and about to lose it.

That night I woke up at 3am and couldn't sleep anymore. I opened  the internet and read this beautiful quote from Stephanie Nielson's talk at BYU-I devotional few years ago.

"So, you see, the legend of the beautiful phoenix isn't just a story to me; it's my story and your story. If we let the Atonement work in our lives, we can be as a phoenix and rise from pain, despair, grief, tragedy, and heartache. The son of God makes that possible. The Atonement can lift us up in beauty from our ashes, as Isaiah promises: "beauty for ashes".

I pray everyday I can be as a phoenix, rising from my pain and despair. I pray for knowledge, peace in my heart, and guidance to understand God's will and to act accordingly.

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