Thursday, August 31, 2017

Monte L. Bean Museum

This morning we dropped off Giovanna at school and took Bianca to Monte L. Bean Museum. I think last time we went there Bianca was one year old.

I really like this museum. It is close to home, we can visit it for free, it's never busy, and it is big enough to spend one hour without children getting bored or tired. Plus, there is so much to see!

Bianca had lots of fun "petting" them and making their sounds. I think it is so cute when she says: roarrrr

Even Ale joined us this time. I actually could not believe when he told me he had never been there before. I mean, he was a BYU student, and the museum is right there... anyways, I always like when he can join us on our walks.

Then when Giovanna got home from school I found extra energy to take her to the pool for a little bit.

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