Monday, November 20, 2017


It is been fun and fulfilling watching Giovanna grow. She is so smart, active and loving! Each milestone she achieves is reason for much joy, but I don't know why it has been hard for me to watch her grow and change lately. She's been changing a lot (the way she talks, acts, her interests, etc), and I feel I don't really know this new young lady. I guess I am not ready to lose my little girl just yet.

Last Saturday I took the girls to Monte L. Bean Museum. I love that place because there is a lot to see and it is close to home. The girls really like this museum. But on that particularly day I noticed a lack of interest on Giovanna who promptly replied "yes" when I asked if they wanted to go home.

For me it's very difficult to see her losing interest on things she used to love. Even her toys she got for her 7th birthday she wasn't that excited to open. It's been definitely a transition for her, and for me. But I am sure we will be fine. New interests will come, and with them a lot fun and reasons to be proud. 

P.S.: I also hate seeing Bianca grow. I feel I am losing my only baby! Aargh!

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