Friday, November 17, 2017

Story of our Life - Part VII

Story of our Life - Part I, II, III, IV, V and VI

When Ale started working for the Corporation of the Presiding Bishop of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints back in 2011 we felt our prayers had been answered.

We still had to deal with some stress (like having to move twice within a year), but overall our life was peaceful and prosperous.

Between the years of 2011 and 2015 we were happy, living in a nice community, and expecting our second child.  But in mid-2015 we found out Ale had lost his job at church. Everything about it was frustrating- the timing, the way it happened, the reason why it happened... everything. I wrote about my pain and frustration here, here and here.

As I already have mentioned before, it is not easy to live legally in a foreign country. There are a lot of rules we have to follow, there are a lot of things we are not allowed to do, and so forth. 

Because Ale was an international student, he could only work party time, and from time to time he had to present a letter from his school - BYU at that time - to the Corporation of  the Presiding Bishop to prove he was currently enrolled in school.

The tricky part is that this letter had a due date to be presented to the Corporation. Unfortunately, BYU sent the letter past due date and Ale ended up losing his job. 

Ale talked to his superior and a lot of other people to explain all the misunderstanding between BYU and Corporation, that he really needed that job,  and that he had a little child and a pregnant wife, but it was all in vain. No one listened. No one helped.

Short after Bianca's birth, Ale met a family from his mission who lives in Alpine. He mentioned to them all the struggle we were going through, and the family decided to help us out. They offered us to go live in their basement for a while until Ale could stand on his own feet again.

The story will continue...

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