Monday, September 18, 2017

Story of our Life - Part III

Story of  our life Part I and Part II

When I called my family to tell them our decision to get married, my mom was surprised and concerned. Surprised because I didn't tell her I was still dating Ale while living in Massachusetts, and concerned considering our difficult times as a couple back in Brazil.

But we moved forward with our plans. Ale went back to Brazil to start planning our wedding along with my mom, while I stayed in MA for four more months to finish my Au Pair Program.

When I arrived in Brazil, we got married. On September 6th we solemnized our marriage and officially became Mr & Mrs Bellini. It was a simple and beautiful ceremony.

Then the whole family had lunch together at a Brazilian steak house.

We also took some pictures at São Paulo Brazil Temple.

More on the next posts!

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