Friday, October 6, 2017

Story of our Life - Part V

Story of our Life - Part I, II, III and IV

We traveled to Campos do Jordao, a beautiful city set high in the mountain, for our honeymoon. Campos is known as our Brazilian Switzerland for its breathtaking views, fresh air, and typical cuisine. 

It is a very expensive destination for their luxurious accommodations, fancy restaurants, and famous festivals. Since Ale and I were saving money for our trip back to the U.S, we could not afford any extra expense. So my godmother, who owns a house there, gave us a free pass to spend a week in Campos as our wedding gift.

Even though we didn't have to pay for hotel, we still had to be really wise in how to spend our little money. We carefully picked the attractions we were really interested in, and the restaurants we really wanted to try. We even stopped at the grocery store to get some food to avoid eating out.

We picked the attractions it can't be missed while visiting Campos do Jordao.

-Ducha de Prata

-Vila Capivari

-Morro do Elefante

-Horto Florestal

-Baden Baden Brewery

Although we don't drink, this is a most see attraction for the charming cozy lights, the beautiful people, and the yummy snacks. 

Ale and I couldn't spend much so we shared a portion of German sausage and one can of coke. But it was worth the experience.

C H O C O L A T E!!!

Of course you can't go to Campos do Jordao and not try their chocolate... specially on your honeymoon, right?


Oh, and about the breathtaking sights I was talking about... the architecture is just majestic!


I am so glad we spent our honeymoon there! Brazil is such a wonderful place with so much beauty across the country! 

I am also glad I can share this beautiful memories with my kids and grand kids someday.

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