Monday, December 11, 2017

Christmas Bingo #lighttheworld - Day 11

Last Friday our family drove to North Salt Lake to spend the night with friends. We played Christmas bingo, and had a delicious dinner along with good conversation and laugh. 

We had lots of fun shouting Bingo! and opening presents. We came back home with a mug, a hand soap, napkins, treats, a XXL underwear, and a few other funny things.

Then the next day the kids exchanged Christmas gifts, and later that day we had dinner at Buffalo Wild Wings.

"For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in". Matthew 25:35

Ways you can help a stranger:

- Which one of your coworkers do you know the least? Invite the person to lunch to get to know him or her better.
- Has a stranger ever done something nice for you? Determine a way to pay the kind act forward.
- Want to help refugees in your area?
Visit to get involved.

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