Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Chocolate Santa #lighttheworld - Day 12

It is our sweet tradition to hang chocolate Santas on our Christmas tree. My mom used to do that when we were kids, now I get to do it with my kids, and hopefully they will keep our tradition alive as they hang chocolate Santas on their Christmas tree for their kids to sneak during the night to grab them. 

        Every time we set up our Christmas tree first question Giovanna asks is when I’ll be putting chocolate Santas on it. It is a really fun tradition to do with the kids! Both of my girls love it, but I still think Bianca is the one who enjoys it the most. She’s around the Christmas tree all day, and because of that I had to move all the chocolates to the top of the tree.

"Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted" - Matthew 5:4

Ways you can comfort someone in need:

- Do you know someone who's recently lost a loved one? Offer to provide comfort and a listening ear.
-Help a friend to polish his or her resume, and connect the person with others you know could use his or her skills.
- Nothing says "get well soon" like homemade soup, warm bread, and a good book.

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