Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Coins for Christmas #lighttheworld - Day 13

On the first day of December we started doing our Light the World - 25 ways to serve others throughout the 25 days until Christmas. It’s been a blessing for us being able to give, even in simple ways as sharing a fresh homemade chocolate chip banana bread with our neighbor.

Serving is the most rewarding thing. 

Tonight at our weekly family home evening we discussed about how Jesus Christ is our greatest example of love and service, and also about what we’ve been doing to be more like Him. We expressed our own feelings about our goals on #LightTheWorld, and I am glad to say we are doing a great job! Every day Giovanna impresses us with her big heart.

This year Giovi’s school is running the Coins for Christmas program with the purpose to gather money to buy gift cards for families in need. When I suggested to give some of what we have to this cause, Giovanna didn’t hesitate and rapidly went to get her piggy bank. Even Bianca shared some of her din din too.

I am grateful for everything Heavenly Father has freely given us. And I hope to be able to help even more and always.

"Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for thisis the law and the prophets". - Matthew 7:12

Ways you can show kindness toward others:

- Have you seen someone get bullied on social media? Reach out to the person today and send some positive vibes his or her direction.
- What's something that could really brighten your day? Do that for someone else.
- It's never too late to admit your mistake and say yo're sorry. Apologize today.

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