Thursday, December 7, 2017

Coco #lightteworld - Day 7

Giovanna has been asking to go to the movies to watch Coco since its premiere two weeks ago, so yesterday we managed to take the girls to watch it. Bianca wanted to watch it too - she actually wants to do whatever Giovi wants to do.

Coco is a really cute movie. The story is about a boy who wants to become a musician, but he is accidentally transported to the land of  his ancestors. There he tries to find a family member who can help him return home among the living, and finally pursue music.

All of us enjoyed the movie, specially daddy who is a huge fan of genealogy. The story, the music and the graphic are great! It is a must see movie and fun for the whole family.

"But when Jesus saw it, he was much displeased, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto me, and fobid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God" - Mark 10:14

Way you can help children:

- Donate a toy to a children's hospital, or make a contribution to a children's charity
- Teach them about Jesus Christ and His infinite love for them
- Make plans and take time to help a child feel special

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