Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Family Photosoot 2017 #lighttheworld - Day 6

In October our family did a mini photo session. Last time we took family pictures Bianca was two months old. She's been growing so fast! I almost can't believe how much she has changed these past two years. Not to mention Giovanna!

Bianca usually loves taking pictures; she poses and smiles, and sometimes even asks us to take pictures of her. But for some reason she didn't want to smile this day. The photographer got one and only shot of her kinda smiling when we had already finished the session.

"Judge not, that ye be not judged" - Matthew 7:1

Ways you can show compassion:

- Do you owe someone an apology? Ask for the person's forgiveness today.
- Take the time to really listen and try to understand people's point of view.
- Do you find yourself sometimes thinking negative things about others? Help to overcome this habit by saying nice things behind people's backs.

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