Thursday, December 21, 2017

Relief Society Christmas #lighttheworld - Day 21

This week the women from our ward got together for a wonderful Christmas evening. We had waffles, fruits, sandwiches, delicious hot cocoa, and each other's company. We talked, laughed, and sang karaoke in Spanish! I was brave enough to sing the only song I knew on the list: Rayando el Sol from Manรก

Then we played White Elephant, and I came back home with a bottle of sparkling apple-cranberry, cream filled wafers, and hot cocoa. 

These women are amazing and they know how to have fun! But more than that they are truly followers of Jesus Christ, caring for each other, looking up for each other, serving and loving each other. And I am proud to be part of this beautiful society.

"For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in". - Matthew 25:35

Ways you can help the hungry

-Donate your favorite nonperishable items to a food bank in your area.
-Prepare your favorite home-cooked meal and take it to a neighbor in need, or invite the person to your home for dinner.
-Share a spiritually uplifting message with the person.

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