Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Dentist appointment

Today the girls had dentist appointment. Bianca loves going there to see the chew chew train. Their office is vintage train themed, and they have this train that runs thru the ceiling. It’s pretty cool! And at the end of each appointment the girls always get a prize and balloons. It just can’t get more fun then that!

Bianca took some x-rays, and Dr. Segura checked Giovanna’s teeth. He showed us two teeth on the bottom that have already popped out even before her baby teeth have fallen. Just like mine when I was her age. But the dentist said it’s normal and eventually they will move forward. Giovanna just needs to wiggle those baby teeth so the permanent ones have some space.

Then we had a late lunch (or early dinner) at McDonad’s. Judge me, but going there reminds me of a time when me and my sister were kids and my mom would take us there after a doctor appointment. It used to be the best of days! So I guess it doesn’t hurt taking my girls there sometimes, just to remember the good times.

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