Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Parent Teacher Conference

Today Ale and I went to see Giovanna's teachers, Mr. Frederickson and Sr. Grimmes. 

Last parent teacher conference we heard Giovanna was doing great in Spanish and math, but needed extra help on reading and sounding words in English. So we made a deal - no more games on iPad or shows on Netflix until she gets better on reading.

Unfortunately, she still needs a lot of improvement, so we will keep our deal: no iPad, no Netflix, and lots of reading. I talked to her teachers and asked them if maybe the second language - third for Giovanna - can be compromising her learning. They said next placement test Giovanna takes will be given in both languages- Spanish and English to see if her difficulty is duo to the confusion of the languages, or just a solo difficulty in reading.

A few days ago I got Giovanna's school pictures. They turned out great! I can't believe how big she is comparing to last year's picture!!!

Giovanna is loving, sweet and delicate. She is gracious and calm. And everyday she teaches me so much about love in every single way. She is truly a special daughter of God, and I am grateful for being her mom.

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