Thursday, January 25, 2018

Giovanna loses her first tooth

Today Giovanna's first tooth finally fell out!

Around 1pm the school office called me to inform Giovanna's mouth was bleeding and they didn't quite know why and how it had happened. So I rapidly headed to the school to find out her tooth that had been loose for a while was hanging in her mouth. 

Apparently she bite a piece of pizza and didn't realize the tooth was about to fall. She got scared with the blood and didn't let anyone touch it.

When I got there, I asked her if I could help her pulling it out (remember my post about that?). She said yes, and I did it, on the middle of the hallway. In no time all her classmates showed up and started cheering around her, all curious to see her tooth. She was really brave! More than I was on her age.

At 1:00am she woke up to find a $10 bill under her pillow.
Tooth Fairy had come. 

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