Wednesday, January 10, 2018

When your hormones get the best of you

Yesterday I was feeling too sick to write- I had headache and backache. Today I am still feeling not so good, and every month two weeks before my period I suffer from the same symptoms. Although I believe it is a very, VERY,  personal thing to share, I think it is important to talk about it.

So many women experience some or all (like me) of  the following: headache, backache, cramps, tender swollen breasts, stomach bloating, acne outbreaks, weight gain, clumsiness, tiredness, tearfulness, feeling irritable, mood swings and even depression, and spouses or family members don't fully understand what is like to experience all of these and still live.

Unfortunately, all these symptoms are not excuses, they are real, and they are awful. But what makes me really sad it is the fact that my symptoms are getting severe, compromising my relationship with my husband and my kids. I'm getting aggressive- not in a physical way, but in a verbal way. I am mean to them, and I can't help it. 

I don't know if the reason my PMS (Pre-menstrual syndrome) is so bad has to do with my life style and  the pressures we all have been living under, or if it is just my body. I know the symptoms can happen differently for every women (or can not happen at all), but for me I think it is time to see a doctor. I love my family more than anything, I just want to be healthy for them, and for myself.

Today I said things I didn't mean to the girls, and I am just thinking a way to make it up to them. I am specially being too hard on Giovanna. That hurts me because she is the sweetest girl I've ever known. 

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