Monday, January 8, 2018

Story of Our Life - Part IX

Story of our life - Part I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII and VIII.

The last three months with the Halls were really difficult. As days passed by and we couldn't find a place for us to move to, the air in that house got heavy. I was depressed, and lonely. I couldn't understand why Heavenly Father had abandoned us like that.

At that time Ale had found a job in a company named Brainstorm in American Fork, but he was not making enough money to convince any landlord to pick us as tenants. But in such a moment of despair, Heavenly Father showed his merciful hands.

One day looking at KSL I saw the apartment we live in now was available for rent, so I rapidly called the renter. On the same day we came to check it out, and we filled out the application papers. The doors and blinds were broken, the carpet ripped, and the walls dirty. But I knew we could make it home, and I felt this place was an answer to our prayers.

First dinner at our own place

When the landlord called me to say our application had been accepted I was thrilled, and relieved, and grateful. We moved first week of August 2016, and spent the rest of summer at the pool and organizing our new home, away from conflicts and cameras (The Halls had cameras around the house and they used to watch us when they were gone). 

When Ale finished school in December he was still working for Brainstorm in American Fork, but he had to resign from his job until his OPT (Optical Practical Training) was ready. This is just one of many hard things about being an international student: you cannot work one single day if not enrolled in school or under an OPT. 

"Optical Practical Training (OPT) is a period during which undergraduate and graduate students with F-1 status who have completed our have been pursuing their degrees for more than nine months are permitted by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) to work for one year on a student visa towards getting practical training to complete their education".

Unfortunately, his OPT took two months to arrive, so when Ale called Brainstorm they had already filled his old position. 

Story to be continued...

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