Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Story of Our Life - Part VIII #lighttheworld - Day 19

Story of our life - Part I, II, III, IV, V, VI and VII

It took me a while to get the courage to sit down and write about this chapter of our story. We've been through a lot, but this chapter in our lives was by far the most difficult one. 

When the Hall family offered for us to move in with them, I didn't think it was a good idea, but unfortunately we were out of options.

Leaving our apartment to move to an already furnished basement with no kitchen and one room for all of us to share was one of the hardest things I had to do. After a while, I dried my tears and tried to look at the bright side and be grateful.

So in February of 2016 we moved to Alpine. We put all of our things in their personal storage, and managed to fit our couch and our table in their basement. For the first three months the Halls were great to us! They introduced us to people in their ward as their own family, they bought diapers, wipes and baby food for Bianca, and did everything to make us feel home. They also helped Ale transfer from BYU to UVU, and talked to UVU's dean to give him a discount on the tuition.

But after three months they started changing and wanting us out of their home. Although, I still don’t understand why they had changed their minds, I believe it had to do with the fact our situation was more complicated than what they thought.

Ale was having a hard time finding a job, and because of that maybe they thought we would be stuck in their house forever.

I already have mentioned several times before how hard it is to live in the U.S as international students. There are lot of rules that make our lives really complicated. Because of that, the Halls started to say we should go back to our country. And if Ale didn't want to go, I should leave him and go back with the girls, and they would pay for our tickets.

They probably didn't know I can't leave the country with girls without Ale's written permission. Plus, I would never do that to him!

And the conflict started.

We went through situations in that house I had never imagined to go through, and I heard things I had never imagined to hear. I got depressed, I stopped writing (I posted about some moments we had while living there when I started to write again in September 2016), and I lost my faith.

They gave us a due date to leave their house, otherwise they would call the cops to evict us.

Story to be continued...

"Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your rewardin heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you". - Matthew 5:12

Ways you can spread joy:

- Send a personalized care package in the mail to someone who could use some joy in their life.
- Reach out to someone who has blessed your life, and thank the person for his or her example.
- Find somebody who doesn't receive thanks very often, and make the person's day amazing.

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