Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Happy Valentine's Day!

Last night I helped Giovanna make Valentines for her classmates and a Valentine’s box to take to school today. This is the first time Giovi asks me for one, so I wasn’t sure how to make it or even what the box was for. I am Brazilian and we don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day in Brazil. Well, at least not the way we celebrate it here.

After some research we made a box based on this idea. I cut and wrapped a cereal box, and Giovi decorated it with hand-cut hearts. It turned out really cute!

Since I am super sick and I wanted to keep things simple, I bought some little valentine's boxes with stickers and had Giovanna tape them in the same hand-cut hearts we used on her valentine’s box.

We also dipped strawberries in chocolate to give to her teachers. I mean, who doesn’t like strawberries and chocolate for Valentine’s, right?

Happy Valentine’s Day to all!

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