Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Dance, dance

For a long time I've been repeating this mantra: "you should do something for yourself". Those words kept coming in a time I was super tired and frustrated. I was working outside the home, taking care of the kids, and everybody else but me. 

Besides being tired and frustrated I was also out of shape, but my biggest concern was my lack of energy. So about a year ago I started going to the gym. First I used to go just to run and bike. Then I started on U-Jam, and after that came Zumba, yoga and high fitness.

I love them all, but U-Jam has a special place in my heart. I love the songs, the rhythm, the dance and the people. Everybody is super nice and we are a big U-Jam family.

I might be still far from "fit", but I am sure happy and grateful for the couple of hours I have to dance all my cares away and have tons of fun!!!

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