Wednesday, May 30, 2018

A walk at Provo City Temple

This morning I took Bianca for a walk at Provo City Temple. Bianca loves LDS temples, and every time we pass by one she starts yelling: Look, look mama! The temple! 

 Last time we were in Provo I couldn’t stop to let her see the temple, so I promised her we would be back. In the morning was sunny and warm, and we were able to walk, smell the flowers and kinda cool off at the fountain. I let Bianca put her feet in the water and before I knew it her whole body was in the water, splashing everywhere. Lucky for her she is too cute and no one complaint about it.

 When we lived in Salt Lake I used to take Giovanna for a walk on Temple Square all the time. One day she said she needed to go to talk to Jesus.

LDS temples play a central role in our lives. It is a place of peace and holiness, and I am proud to be raising two beautiful girls who love temples. 

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