Thursday, May 24, 2018

Windsor Field Day 2018

School is almost over. But before we put backpacks in and swimming suits out of the closet, Giovanna will be dancing at Windsor Dance Festival tomorrow, then next week she will graduate from 1st grade. She is getting so big it hurts!

Today the kids had a field day with games and a movie. Some moms volunteered to help with the games, and the kids had a great time. This was the second year I have volunteered to help. I love being involved with Giovi's school. It is a great way to know her friends and their parents.

Something I love about DLI program is the fact the kids have the same friends every year. There is no anxiety of not knowing anyone, but excitement to see their old friends instead.

Giovanna is super social. She knows everybody at school- staff, teachers and children from other grades. She already knows who her 2nd grade teacher will be, and her teacher already talked to me about Giovi and how nice she is.

I am a proud mama!

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