Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Giovanna gives a talk

Last Sunday Giovanna was invited to give a talk at our LDS Primary about the prophets and how they teach us to live the restored gospel. Daddy helped her to prepared and practice at home, so when it was time to do it she read it (in Spanish) all by herself. Cute girl!

I am grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ in our lives and for the testimony we can share with our girls. They are special daughters of Heavenly Father. I am grateful for prophets who guide us and help us to prepare ourselves to meet Jesus Christ once again and be saved in the kingdom of God.

"Nuestro Padre Celestial nos ama tanto que siempre ha llamado a profetas para guiarnos aqui en la Tierra. A traves del profeta, nuestro Padre Celestial nos dice las cosas que debemos hacer que Lo hace feliz. Con el Evangelio restaurado a traves del profeta Jose Smith, sabemos como evitar todo lo que nos hace dano y que debemos mantener nuestro cuerpos y pensamientos limpios para que podamos vivir con El nuevamente. 

Nuestro Padre Celestial nunca nos abondonara. Nuestro profeta viviente hoy es el presidente Nelson y se que el es un profeta de Dios. En el nombre de Jesucristo, amem". 

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