Monday, June 4, 2018

Giovanna repierces her ears

Last Thursday Giovanna woke up determined to re-pierce her ears. She had them pierced when she was 4 months old, and the person who did it pierced them on the wrong spot, and for a long time Giovi had her earrings hanging too low on her ears. It bored me so much every time I saw it, one day I decided to take her earrings off and just let it close. I told her one day we’d pierce them again.

On Friday was her 1st grade teacher’s wedding (which I’ll soon be posting about), so I guess that gave her the courage she needed to re-pierce her ears. She said she wanted to be pretty for her teacher’s wedding. She was so brave, and despite her anxiety she held her ground and had her ears pierced. She’s been taking a good care of her ears and never forgets to clean them tree times a day as recommended.

I am so glad she had the courage to do it. They look much better! 

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