Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Au Pair monthly meetings

If you are considering Au Pair program, here is one thing you should know: never skip the orientation your agency offers. On this orientations they explain everything you need to know in order to not be lost during your time abroad. I mean, you don't want to be more lost than you will probably already be, right?!

Unfortunately, I didn't follow my own advice and I didn't show up for any orientation my agency offered, which resulted in me being completely lost and clueless of what was going on once I arrived in the U.S. (one more reason to follow my advice. I learned from my mistake).

 I didn't even know I had to meet with my community counselor (CC) every month- which caught me by surprise when my host mother dropped me off at a “stranger's house” and told me to get a ride back home.

My counselor's name was Helga D. deTorres, and she was a sweetheart! Those monthly meetings at her house were so much fun and super important to get to know the other Au pairs. I miss those days!

It is also very important to rely on your counselor and tell her everything what is going on with you and your host family. You can talk to your CC about things you don't feel comfortable with, concerns you may have, your needs that are not being met, or even the need of exchanging to a different family.  

Our Helga also used to throw awesome parties!

Halloween 2008:

I wish I had a picture of our dear Helga!

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