Monday, July 23, 2018

Pioneer's Day Concert

Tomorrow we'll be celebrating Pioneer day- the day when the first group of Mormon pioneers entered the Valley in July 24, 1847. I love the Pioneers holiday and I love the fact we live in Utah and can actually celebrated it with festivities and fireworks!

Giovanna is turning eight in October. I am so excited for her baptism and to take her to the Women's general meeting and all other beautiful events we can only take our kids to when they are at least eight years old. Eight is great!

Last Saturday I anticipated things a little and took Giovi to watch the Pioneer's Day Concert at the Conference Center in Salt Lake. As I have mentioned it before children under eight were not allowed at this event. But you know, she is so close to be eight...

We had a wonderful time together! Honestly, I thought she would think the whole thing was boring (sitting down for two hours, not talking, not playing, all the things kids loving doing), but she really enjoyed it. She asked questions, made comments, applauded, remembered names, and got really excited to see the prophet so close. When I asked her what was her favorite song, she said the very same one I had liked the most: You'll never walk alone. It gives me goosebumps every time I hear it.

My baby girl is growing so fast. She's becoming such a big girl, and Saturday it really showed. She is loving, caring, and she makes me proud in every single way.

You can watch the entire concert HERE.

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