Friday, August 31, 2018


Life is hard. Sometimes we are so caught up on our own tribulations, we don’t often think there are many other people going through sad times as well. In reality, I believe everyone in the world is going through something right now. Everyone. And sometimes it worries me if Heavenly Father will pay attention to my needs while He has so many other people with bigger problems than mine to take care of.

In December, completes nine years since we started our journey here in the U.S. Looking back I feel we’ve been so blessed with wonderful people we have met in our lives, good places we have lived in, so many life lessons we have learned, and so much personal growth. I am grateful I started blogging about all these beautiful moments, so I can get back to them anytime I feel discouraged about my life.

In fact, our life is pretty amazing. Not long ago I was mentioning to Ale the only problem we've been facing all these years living here has been the work limitations, which it is a big deal because without work/money life is really hard. But other than that we don't face other problems.

I don’t really get into details when I post about our trials, except on the Story of our life series, where I talk about our life in general and our struggles as International students here in the USA. But the reality is simple and raw and cruel: we cannot progress in life being a forever student. We won’t be able to progress if we don’t change our current status from full time student to full time employee.

So our family got to a point where we might live this beautiful country. That’s been, actually, always a possibility, but now it’s more like a reality than a possibility. Ale hasn’t find a company to sponsor him, we haven’t been selected on the greencard lottery, and our kids are not twenty one yet. That being said, our chances to stay legally in the country are pretty slim.

Gladly, Heavenly Father is an omniscient father who knows every and each one of us. He knows our hearts and our sincere desires. He is aware of all challenges we are going through here on earth, and He is closely watching over us, protecting us, strengthening us, and blessing us with all our needs.

"While we may not have all the answers in this life, the Lord does, and we can trust Him more than anyone or anything in this world. He will help us get through everything.

So do we know for sure, from sources whose answers don't change? We know that God loves His children. We know that part of His plan is to allow evil to exist in the world. We know that if we're still alive, we have a work to accomplish. We know that the Savior suffered not only for our sins, but also for our pains and afflictions, and we know that one day He will conquer the evil one, answer all our questions, and bless us with a fullness of joy".

Honestly, I have had hard times, disbelieve times, even dark times. But I've realized that things are harder and darker without Heavenly Father to rely on. We've been facing tough moments for a while now, but I feel peace in my heart because I know He won't leaves unattended. Besides, I've already had lots of proof Heavenly Father hears and answers my prayers. Sometimes it takes time, but He ALWAYS answers them, and this time won't be any different.

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Museum of Ancient Life

This past Tuesday was the last day of Two Bucks Tuesdays at Thanksgiving Point. We went to visit the Museum of Ancient Life, and we picked a later time to avoid the crowd. It was perfect!

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Bianca's Birthday Party

Last Saturday we had Bianca's birthday party in Lehi. I planned one hour of pony and carriage rides for everybody at My Mini Pony Party, then a lunch over Kelly and Mario's place. I decided to hold lunch and cake there because they live just a few minutes from My Mini Pony Party.

It was so much fun! Her party's theme this year was Farm Barnyard since she absolutely loves animals, specially horses. She was so excited the whole time! I can tell she loved her party! All the kids had several turns riding the ponies and the carriage. They also took turns brushing and braiding Steve, a super cute horse miniature.

After pony ride we all headed to the Matute's residence to find a beautiful room all decorated with farm animals and yummy food! We had lunch, games, then cake, pinata, and presents. Bianca got a lot of cute gifts. Our family gave her a set of Spirit Riding Free horses and dolls. She was so excited! Spirit is her favorite show!

Bianca loved her birthday party so much she is still talking about it! I can't wait to plan her next one. She is so much fun!