Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Earrings nightmare

About a week ago I decided to take Giovanna’s earrings off and replace them for beautiful golden ones my mom brought for her from Brazil. When I took them off I realized the ones my mom brought were way too small. So I believe they were actually a gift for Bianca.

Since Bianca’s earrings (the ones she had pierced her ears with) looked bigger, I decided to put them on Giovanna’s ears, and the ones my mom brought on Bianca’s ears. When I sat Bianca down to see her earrings, the back was stuck in Bianca’s earlobe!! Both of them stuck!!

I freaked out. Then I freaked out more. Then with Ale’s help I was able to pull both backs out. It wasn’t easy, it was really stuck, and it left two big holes on her earlobes!! I feel like crying every time I see it or remember it. The plan now is to let the holes close, then decide if she wants to repierce them again.

And speaking of repiercing, remember Giovi got her ears repierced? Well, after taking her earrings off we found out her ears were infected!!! They are red with a yellowish discharge, and she is complaining they hurt. I'll be calling Dr. Vierra to see what she recommends.

It's been a nightmare, and honestly I wish I had never had their ears pierced! My mom said she is bringing silicon earrings for them. She and my sister wear them all the time and she said they are the best! They arrive next month.

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