Thursday, September 27, 2018

Some struggles

Next week I'll be attending Giovanna's parent and teacher's conference. I usually know what to expect since I've been constantly in touch with her teachers to ask for extra materials and to talk about her progress. Giovi needs a lot of help in math and reading.

A few days ago Ale and I talked to her English teacher and Spanish teacher about her struggles and about, perhaps, testing her. Giovi is in second grade, and to better help her at home and in class we need to know where her struggles are coming from.

She is a sweet girl, and it makes me sad to get over frustrated on her when we are studying. She also gets frustrated, and that is when she shuts down and I am not able to help her anymore. 

The teachers will start the papers for testing her, and hopefully she will be approved for it. Apparently, it is a long, bureaucratic process, and she might not even qualify. Let's cross our fingers and hope for the best!

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