Friday, September 28, 2018


Today while observing Bianca I counted how many times she used the word LOVE.

If she was eating something, she would go ahead and say: "I love my food". Or if I offer her an orange she would shout out: "Oh, yes! I love orange". And throughout the day she kept saying things like: "I love my house", "I love my bed", "I love you", and so forth.

I love her enthusiasm... and her grateful heart. The fact she says she loves so many things around her, it also shows she is grateful for everything she has- her house, her food, her toys, her family. Her inspiring attitude teachs me a lot. I sure should express my gratitude and appreciation for everything I have more often, specially in a moment where I've been feeling so discouraged, and complaining a lot about... pretty much everything.

I love you Bianca. Thank you for brightening my days, for teaching me how to be better, and how to move  forward with a grateful heart and steady faith in a world so wicked. You are a constantly reminder of my divine nature and my eternal purpose.

 Last Sunday Giovanna shared a scripture with her Primary class- Mosiah 2:17:

"And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of  your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God".

She loves the gospel, and she is truly a special daughter of Heavenly Father. I am so proud!

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