Thursday, October 11, 2018

188th semi-annual General Conference

This weekend from the comfort of our home we watched the 188th semi-annual General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. How blessed we are! 

You can watch it too! Just click here.

On this Conference I felt the urge to better prepare myself and my family to the second coming of our Savior Jesus Christ. I can feel this time is nearly approaching as I recognize many of the signs of His coming. This world scares me a little, but I know if I am well prepared spiritually I can take away my fears and have peace in my heart. And I know I can to that for my family too.

Here are some of my favorite talks on this General Conference. You can click on their names to watch, listen or read their entire talk. I hope you enjoy it!

Steven R. Bangerter: Talked about having a Christ-centered home, turning our homes into a sanctuary of faith. He also talked about the importance of righteous traditions- family prayer, family scripture study, family home evening, keep the Sabbath day holy, etc.

David A. Bednar: Asked all members to not focus on the logistical aspect of our church changes, but instead focus on the purpose of doing it so: facilitate conversion to the Lord, love and serve more completely our brothers and sisters, and that way "gather together in one all things in Christ".

Dean M. Davis: Compared our lives with the temple. Just like the temple has a firm foundation, what blocks should we put in place in order to build a firm foundation to resist the storms of our lives?

Russell M. Nelson: Talked about what we can do to help gather the scattering Israel. He suggested four ways- ten day fast of social media or websites that withdraw our spirituality. Read the Book of Mormon between now and the end of the year. Regular temple attendance, and participating in Relief Society. He also advised: "Live this world behind"

Neil. L Anderson: Comforted broken hearts with his talk. He said, " However deep wounds in your souls, return to the temple with your wounded heart and your family names. You might be exhausted, but never give up".

Gary E. Stevenson: "Step back from the world and assess your life". 

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