Monday, October 15, 2018

Yard Sale

This summer we had a big garage sale to sell the girl's baby stuff we didn't need anymore, toys, clothes and some house stuff too. Although we were able to sell a lot of things we still came back home with a lot of things we didn't sell. 

For a while now I've been dealing with boxes all over my house, promising myself I would do a yard sale to get rid of them. Summer was over and the boxes were still home. Only this past Saturday I finally decided to actually take action. Days before I had checked the weather and after a long week of rain, Saturday would be a sunny day.

Friday night Ale helped me to hang the signs around our neighborhood, and Saturday morning around 7:30 I left the girls sleeping to set up the yard sale. I confess I thought no one would show up because although it was a sunny day, it was also a little chilly.

But the yard sale was better than what I've expected. A lot of people showed up and bought our stuff. I was really happy I was able to sell the big, heavy things I had. They were taking a lot of space at home and I didn't want to bring them back at all.

We still have a few things people didn't buy. But I'll be sharing them on our stake "Seek and Share" Facebook page. I am sure other families will love to have them.

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