Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Parent-teacher Conference

Parent teacher conference was better than I expected. Giovanna has improved her reading, and her literacy performance report looks much better than previous years. I've heard several times children raised in a bilingual home (trilingual in our case) could experience some delays but eventually they would catch up.

I don't know if it is true or not. When I was pregnant with Giovanna my O.B guaranteed me that raising my child bilingual wouldn't cause her any learning delays. So it is hard to tell if Giovi's  academic difficulties are coming from that. This is just one of the reasons I would like her to be tested.

She still needs a lot of help with math, specially understanding tens, hundreds and units. But overall she is a good student and a good friend for her classmates. I heard really good things about her efforts to learn and about her behavior in class. Good job baby girl!

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