Friday, November 30, 2018

Exams and changes

Good news. My blood test results came back normal. Everything looks good- thyroid, kidneys, cholesterol. Just my sugar levels are slightly high. The doctor recommended a diet change and exercise. True, I’ve been eating sweets a lot (which I started after Bianca’s pregnancy), and I’ve been drinking coca-cola (which I never did).

But I am already planning a change on everybody’s diet around here. I feel like all of us are out of track. With that being said, a few days ago I started reading the book Trim Healthy Mama which I found out about over the internet.

The book basically teaches not to combine fat and carbs in the same meal, and add protein in every meal. It is an easy plan to follow and it doesn't require fancy ingredients. That way I am hoping (fingers crossed) to loose some weight and improve my energy while feeding healthier food to my peeps.

Sunday we'll be watching The First Presidency Christmas Devotional. Bianca will play at Mindy's and we will take Giovanna with us. I love she is eight and can tag along. Eight is great!

Have a good weekend!

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