Monday, November 26, 2018

Lighting our Christmas Tree

This year we started Christmas earlier. About two weeks ago we set up and lighted our Christmas Tree. We also had a beautiful Christmas dinner while my mom and my sister were here. The girls loved having nana Zete and auntie Carol for "Christmas". We sure missed Bia, Lucas and titio Ale, but soon we will be all together again (news on that to come).

Here is a short video clip from the girls putting the star on our Christmas tree. This has been always a big deal in our family. Every year daddy helps our children to put the star on top of the tree.

 And here is a video clip of us lighting our Christmas tree. I have no idea why I stopped recording as soon as we lighted it.

Every year around Christmas time I have these mixed feelings. I miss home and I miss my family. I am so grateful for the time I had with my beautiful mama and sister!

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