Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Provo Squaw Peak

Today after dropping off Giovi at school, my mom, my sister, Bianca and I drove to Provo Squaw Peak. We were planning to drive all the way to the lookout point like we did last time but the road was closed, so we parked our car and tried to walk the three miles up to the canyon.

About half way there we decided to go back. My mom was concerned some wolves would appear and attack us. I even checked some information online. I assured her there was no wolves but she wasn't convinced. My sister and I walked our way down laughing while my mom kept asking us to not be loud to not disturb the "wolves".

We were sad we couldn't reach the lookout point, but we were able to enjoy a beautiful view from where we were. It was a fun afternoon with my girls.

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