Tuesday, December 11, 2018


Bianca and Giovanna have been sleeping together for the past few weeks on the mattress I had set up for my mom and my sister in my room when they came visit us. Before my mom left she made me promise her I would let the girls sleep there for a little while before putting it back where it belongs. But it’s been already over a month since they left and the mattress is still there.

I love these two beauties sleeping together. During the night when it gets really cold I wake up to see them snuggling together. It warms my heart! Besides the natural sister fights it happens around the house I want them to remember how much they love and care for each other. I want them to remember the laughter, the moments of silliness, the chit-chat before bedtime and everything in between.

“We build deep and loving family relationship by doing simple things together and just by having fun together”. -Dieter Uchtdorf

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