Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Winter break

Today was really cold and snowy. Winter makes me even more depressed- the cold, the gray sky, the leaveless trees. I don’t feel like leaving the house and I do not like driving either. I woke up a little blue this morning and it was hard to get up from bed. I knew I would have a busy day ahead and I wasn’t looking forward to it.

In the morning I got the kids ready, dropped off Giovi at school and Ale at the bus stop. Then I drove to Provo to my physical therapy session. After that I came straight home to cook for the missionaries who would be coming over for dinner later on.

By the time I finished cooking it was time to pick up Ale from school. He drove me to work, then a few hours later he picked me up. I had a quick dinner then I took the girls and headed to church for a Primary activity and practice for our Christmas dinner next week.

When we got back home Ale was still working on his final test so I had to get the girls ready for bed myself. His winter break starts tomorrow and I am excited to have him and a little help around the house! 

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