Monday, December 10, 2018

Honoring our womanhood

Last Sunday at Young Women class some of the girls were awarded for finishing their Personal Progress. At our church girls from twelve to seventeen years old are able to work on service projects, scripture's study, church attendance, and so forth to prepare themselves to fulfill their role as special daughter's of Heavenly Father. At the end of the program they each receive recognition for completing their Personal Progress requirements. 

It is a wonderful program to help the girls establish a pattern of constant progress in their lives by making and keeping sacred covenants, serving others and being an example of love and discipleship. 

I've been working with the Young Women for a few months now. It's been a blessing and a good reminder to keep my personal progress strong and alive. I remember when I was a young women and how much I loved to be part of something so amazing. It definitely helped me to be who I am now.

It's also interesting how the recognition has changed throughout the years. When I started my personal progress the girls who had finished theirs were awarded with a medallion of a young woman in a beautiful dress. By the time I had completed my personal progress the medallion was changed to a Salt Lake Temple image instead. The Beehive, Mia Maid and Laurel awards looked a lot different too than todays. Even the Personal Progress book looks a lot different.

(My very first one was B&W. Then my YM president gave me a colored one)

One day my girls will read my personal progress and they will notice there's no Virtue requirement. And that's because this attribute was added to the Young Women theme and values only in 2009. I graduated from YM in 2001.

I am grateful for no matter how many changes may be made, the sacred purpose of this program never changes. Girls around the globe from the 15's to millenniums can be blessed and prepared to return to their loving Heavenly Father.

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